Design and construction of a quadcopter with a new navigation module as a second view for snipers

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Mechanical Engineering, Payame Noor University, Iran


The aim of this paper is the application of quadcopters to significantly increase the probability of discovering hidden targets by providing an upper sight view of the targets of different points for professional snipers. The mentioned process is performed by a quadcopter equipped with a camera and a transmitter, which is made, assembled, and studied from the beginning according to the requirements of the project, and some necessary studies have been done on its parts and capabilities. Its main flight controller is capable of supporting the required modules and exchanges data online with the radio control and computer. A novel navigation module equipped with a laser rangefinder is also designed in order to calculate and generate output of remote GPS point with the required components, and its controller is programmed according to global locational algorithms. By pressing a button, the coordinate of a specific remote point is created and transmitted to the computer by a serial port. According to a point mission, the quadcopter moves to the announced coordinate and sends the image from the top view with its camera and transmitter. In this way, for the target point, a second image is also provided for the user, besides the direct image which exists through the direct line of sight, which doubles the probability of discovering the targets. The manufacturing process is based on available equipment in the market. Finally, some tests are performed and the results and errors are calculated.


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